Evaluating the Impact of SY2SP: Endline Report
The Sahbhagi Yojana 2 Support Programme (SY2SP) focused on extending and scaling up its slum improvement activities through a participatory approach. The community was involved both in contributing towards the cost of the programme and also being closely involved in its implementation. It was a three year programme, which aimed at upgrading 100 slums and including 24,046 households. This endline report highlights the achievements and outstanding issues of the programme.The specific objectives of the study was:
1. To assess the direct impact of the programme in terms of the improvement in the physical infrastructure and services of the slum residents;
2. To assess the indirect impact of the programme on the income, education and health of the slum residents, as well as on their interactions with local government and uptake of financial services;
3. To make suggestions for the future implementation of important aspects of the programme.