Through our work in Savda Ghevra, we have not only focused on the most vulnerable and marginalised groups, but also across a range of demographics. Kajli and her husband moved to Savda in 2006, and have built their personal and professional life in the colony. Kajli works as an ASHA worker, while her husband runs a small clinic in the colony. Their family was one of the firsts that was approached by MHT when we first began our work there. Over the past year, her association has been strengthened.
The need to construct a toilet on the ground floor emerged when her parents came to visit. The elderly couple would struggle to climb up the stairs and use the toilet they had earlier constructed. Now, with the toilet on the ground floor, they have easy access to a clean toilet.
Kajli’s association with MHT might have begun by availing subsidies, but she has also become an active member of the community over the past year.
The capacity building training conducted through this project has played a critical role in empowering Kajli and amplifying her voice in public forums. “Whenever there is a training programme, I go. I really like it.” This has given her the confidence to approach local leaders as well. When the community faced a significant issue with the unhygienic, open drains, she was one of the women associated with MHT who approached the local MLA. She has also fed the information back into the community by sharing it with other women in her block.
Kajli is keen on strengthening her relationship with MHT, and the work that she can do through the training she receives. She believes that there is a huge scope for the women receiving training to consolidate their learnings and use it towards fighting for their collective rights.
Blog Courtesy: Roshini Diwakar