MHT conducted a social audit of 30,206 households by reviewing PMAY scheme to scrutinize the benefits of the mission
MHT conducted a social audit of 30,206 households by reviewing PMAY scheme to scrutinize the benefits of the mission
July 13, 2021adminBlog, Featured NewsNo Comments
The CAG women-leaders who have conducted these social audits across 23 cities in Gujarat over past three years, are equipped to conduct this in other states as well
MHT Gujarat
The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) Housing for All (HFA) – Urban mission is being systematically monitored by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation (MoHUPA) at various levels. Constitution of Third Party Quality Monitoring Agencies (TPQMA) is one of the monitoring mechanisms used by the Ministry. Other than this, to identify the relevance of the Mission, from the point of view of the beneficiaries and other stakeholders and know the ‘social impact’ of this mission, social audit is a tool used for the purpose of evaluation of this mission under various parameters.
Social Audit is an independent tool utilized for the evaluation of a public agency or program or a scheme to identify various positive and negative aspects as well as evaluate the process to introduce programme corrective measures while the implementation is on-going for: better implementation, ensuring accountability, transparency and participation.
MHT is identified as an Independent Facilitating Agency (IFA) who has formed a team of Social Audit experts. The team consists of a team leader cum Document Auditor, who reports to the concerned person at the Affordable Housing Mission(AHM). MHT meets the senior management team of the selected ULBs and conducts the social audit by using the tools like: 1) Review of Documents 2) Jan Sunwai (public hearing) 3) Interviews with service providers 4) Group-Discussions 5) In-depth interviews of beneficiaries.
MHT as an IFA, participates with various stakeholders such as beneficiaries, private partners, selected Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) so that mobilization, participation and support for successful and timely implementation can be enabled. It evaluates the functioning of this scheme at various levels and introduces corrective mechanism in implementations of the scheme.
In the past three years of work, MHT has conducted social audits of 5091 households under In-situ Slum Redevelopment (ISSR) vertical, 3624 households under Beneficiary Led Construction (BLC) and 21,491 households under Affordable Housing Project (AHP).
It is ensured for the questionnaire for tools parameters like: awareness, inclusion, participation, efficiency, transparency, quality monitoring, Accountability, Complaints were considered as suggested by Social Audit Guidelines by MoHUA, 2017.